Business VOIP

911 PC Help Can Switch
Your Business to VoIP.

Voice over Internet Protocol

Business VoIP

Business VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a communications technology that is quickly becoming the replacement for traditional phone lines. It offers businesses and organizations a way to communicate with one another without the need for expensive hardware or complicated software.

But while VoIP has some clear advantages, it’s not without its risks. As more and more businesses turn to VoIP, security becomes an increasingly important issue. Turn to the experienced professionals here at 911 PC Help today and let us keep your information safe.

What is Business VoIP?

VoIP can be used for both business and personal calls. When you make a VoIP call, your voice is transformed into digital data then sent over the internet until it gets to the person you were trying to call. The person on the other end hears your voice through their computer or VoIP phone.

There are many benefits to using VoIP for business, including lower costs, more features, and improved flexibility. Here are some tips for keeping your Business VoIP safe:


  • Use a reputable VoIP provider: Be sure to do your research when choosing a VoIP provider. Check reviews and compare pricing before making your decision.
  • Secure your network: Make sure your business’ network is secure by using a firewall and encrypting data. This will help protect your data from being intercepted by hackers.
  • Use strong passwords: Choose strong passwords for all your Business VoIP accounts and never share them with anyone. Be sure to change your passwords regularly as well, at least four times per year.
  • Keep software up-to-date: Install updates for all software applications as soon as they are available in order to patch any security vulnerabilities. The more updated you keep your software, the more secure using VoIP really is.

Get Your Business VoIP Sorted Out.

Contact us for a free consultation, so we can get your Business VoIP sorted.

How Does VoIP Work?

VoIP is a type of internet telephony technology that allows users to make and receive calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a traditional phone line where voices get transmitted via digital signals then unscrambled at the end device. This means that you can make calls to anyone with a VoIP-enabled device, whether they’re using a computer, a VoIP phone, or even a regular phone connected to a VoIP adapter.

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What Are the Benefits of VoIP?

VoIP services are increasingly popular for business users because they offer many advantages over traditional phone lines. Some of the benefits of VoIP for businesses include:

  • Cost savings: VoIP can be more cost-effective than traditional phone lines, especially for businesses with multiple locations.

Tips for Using Business VoIP Safely

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure a safe and secure experience:

  • Do your research. Not all VoIP providers are created equal. Be sure to do your homework and pick a reputable provider that offers robust security features.

911 PC Help Eliminates the Dangers of Unsecured VoIP?

While VoIP is a great option for many, there are also dangers of using VoIP, especially if it is unsecured. Here are some of the top VoIP dangers to be aware of:

  • Unsecured devices could lead to call spoofing, where hackers make it sound as though they are calling from your business, without actually being from your business. They may get financial, personal, or login information from your customers before they even know they are not on the phone with you.
  • Eavesdropping is also possible over VoIP, even if you are in a location by yourself. Because the information is scrambled then sent digitally, someone could make a copy of that data and unscramble it to see what happened during the conversation.
  • If the VoIP login credentials are easy to guess, someone could perform a brute force attack and get into the system using any number of login programs. Once inside, they could steal information, change the password and lock others out, and still perform call spoofing on your company’s behalf.

These are just a few of the common issues that happen with unsecured VoIP. That is why it is so essential that you count on 911 PC Help to make sure your system and software have strong, unique passwords and are up to date with security patches.

First, we make sure that your VoIP is encrypted for all calls. This will ensure that your conversations cannot be eavesdropped on by anyone.

911 PC Help will protect your VoIP with a firewall and anti-virus software on all your devices to protect against outside attacks. The more secure you are before you start making calls, the less likely you are to have someone get any type of information or data out of those calls.

Business VoIP is an attractive alternative to traditional landline phone service for small businesses. It features flexible plans, low cost, and increased mobility compared to its predecessor. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks that come with any new technology and take steps to ensure your business VoIP system remains secure at all times.

With proper security measures in place, you can enjoy the advantages of a business VoIP system without having to worry about any potential malicious activity or data breach risks. Contact 911 PC Help today to ensure your VoIP is safe for you, your customers, and your business.

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