Have you heard about IT Project management in general terms, but now you’re looking for some practical tips? Read below to learn how to manage an IT Project!
First, let’s recap IT Project Management
As you might be able to guess, IT project management is all about overseeing the successful execution of IT projects. Every IT project is unique in regard to what it will cost, how long it will take, what stakeholders are affected, what deliverables are required, and what technology will be used along the way.
IT project management revolves around staying on top of all these factors and ensuring that the organization’s IT projects are completed on time and on budget to achieve all applicable information technology goals.
Tips to Consider as You Manage an IT Project
To manage an IT Project isn’t always easy, but these tips should help you succeed:
- Communicate, communicate, communicate- It can’t be overstated how many problems arise from insufficient or imprecise communication from IT project managers. To keep everyone on the same page, you should be as clear and descriptive as possible.
- Carefully select your project management methodology- Project management methodologies aren’t one-size-fits-all. Choosing the right one for your team and each IT project will set you up for success from the get-go.
Methodologies to Consider
In IT project management, there are a few different methodologies you can use. One common IT project management method is the Waterfall method. This is a traditional method that involves the following six major stages:
- Gathering system requirements
- Analyzing those system requirements
- Designing software that fits those requirements
- Coding the software
- Testing the software
- Managing the software (installation, support, maintenance, etc.)
In the Waterfall method, you must complete each stage before moving on to the next one.
A more modern IT project management methodology that may work for your organization is Agile. It’s similar to Waterfall but much more adaptable, leaving room for leaders to make changes to the IT project while it’s underway.
Xtreme is yet another project management methodology, used for Software Projects. It involves twelve major practices and three roles, including the Tracker (the project manager). Other methodologies to consider are Scrum and Kanban. Which ever methodology works best for you will depend on your team and your specific IT project.
Issues to Consider When You Manage an IT Project
Unfortunately, IT project managers almost never reach the end of an IT project without encountering an issue or two.
One issue you might deal with while managing an IT project is called scope creep. This is when the requirements of the project change from the original requirements after the project has already begun. Dealing with scope creep isn’t easy, but it can be helpful to focus your team on specific, immediate goals while continually reviewing the big picture plans.
Another potential issue in IT project management is conflict within the team. Miscommunications and misunderstandings between team members are bound to happen sometimes. An IT project manager can make them less likely, though, by clarifying details and creating a shared vision that each member buys into. Are you looking for more IT Project management help? Contact us!